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Iberia's Fawn Flemish Giants

Iberia's Veta

Iberia’s Veta had an impressive first showing last Spring, and to prove her mettle she did it at the Cortland shows.  In a class of 10 senior does, the great granddaughter of our legend Velda placed among the top 4 in all 3 shows. 

Iberia's Vieques

Iberia's Veracruz

Our Fawn breedings were not as productive as we’d have liked them to be in 2011, but suffice to say that sisters Vieques and Veracruz exemplify that old saying “Quality, not Quantity.”  Mom was Iberia’s Vespa and Dad was Iberia’s Veterano.

Iberia's Viga

This fine daughter of Iberia’s Virginia and Iberia’s Vórtice placed OK in Cortland, and we are very excited about her-and for good reasons.  She has the type, color and fur that a good Fawn Flemish should have-dare we say that she’ll produce our next Grand Champion?

Winter Road's Vente

Our dear friend Chris Stover acquired Iberia’s Vetasta (Virginia’s sister) a couple of years ago, and we closed the deal with a “save me a doe.”  He overdid himself by a mile last September when he delivered this beauty, named after the Spanish word for “Come here.”  And who wouldn’t if this doe were to call you?

Iberia's Velda
May 8, 2006 - October 27, 2009

Iberia's Velda was 1st senior doe out of 29 does in her class at the 2007 National Flemish Giant show in Cortland, NY.  This big win earned her another leg toward the title of Grand Champion.  Velda is out of proven, champion rabbits: she's a daughter of Grand Champion Iberia's Virrey and Best Of Breed winner Iberia's Victoria.
I will miss you...thanks for the big wins, the great fawns and the memories.

Iberia's Virrey

Iberia's Virrey was our Grand Champion Fawn buck and headed our Fawn breeding program until he unexpectedly passed away on February 11, 2007.  One of Virrey's finest sons is now a stud buck in New York, where he has won 3 Best of Breed awards and is heading the breeding program for another Flemish Giant breeder.  Virrey was very influential in my breeding program, and his offspring are the backbone of my fawn bloodlines

On The Verge's Bubba

On The Verge's Bubba came for a short stay, courtesy of our friend Wendy Keklak.  This nice buck re-introduced some of my earlier lines and added massiveness and clear color to my fawns.

Iberia's Vanadis

This is the doe that started it all.  Vanadís was our founding doe and our first Best Of Breed, as a 6/8 doe at the Western Massachusetts Rabbit Breeders Association show in July of 1997.  Vanadís produced many daughters and grandaughters of proven mothering ability.  Most of our fawn lines trace back to this wonderful animal.

Notable Fawn Wins

Central Mass RBN
BOSV: Iberia's Voyot
ARBA Convention - Youth
BOV: Fawn Senior Doe owned by Inga Dolinski-Rymal, bred and raised by Iberia Rabbit Farm
National Flemish Show
1st Sr Doe: Iberia's Velda
Cortland Classic
1st Sr. Buck: Iberia's Virrey
Northeastern CT RGA
1st Jr Doe: Iberia's Velda
York County RBA
BOV: Iberia's Virrey
BOS:  Iberia's Virrey
NERFA Summer Madness Show
BOB: Iberia's Victoria
Cortland Carousel Show
BOV:  Iberia's Veleta